Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Dinomite Track: Chiisana Koi No Uta MONGOL800

Sometimes I have a bit of an Asian thing. I'm not sure exactly when it started. I went to school with an Okinawan kid (small school, very little diversity), he was kind of a bitch. He wasn't terrible, but not someone I'd crave spending time with. He did give me my first sushi experience and other than that, well I guess that was about it.

One day in college, it was the first day of class in a big auditorium like you see on the movies (you know what? not all college classes take place in those big auditoriums.) Anyway, I was kind of in the middle back, where I like to be. Waiting for class to start, I didn't know anyone. This was one of those elective courses where you aren't in with the other folks in your major you usually see in class.

In walks this Asian guy and sits down in the front row. I'm not sure what happened; it was kind of like when you snap a glow stick. Everything is normal, then a couple of shakes and everything is all lit up fluorescent-like. Totally unlike anything I've ever done in my life, I picked up my stuff and walked down to the front row and sat next to him. Well, needless to say, I spent the rest of the semester letting him copy off my notes and walk me home.... If he did offer something else, I wouldn't have understood it anyway. LOL! Last I saw him he was getting ready to move back to Korea to be a pilot.

Anyway, after that I was out of control. Brandon Lee, then he died. Jackie Chan, then I snapped out of that.

Well, you don't want the whole long story...but along the way I discovered this song. I love it. It's a little crazy and I've made up my own English words to parts of it so I can sing along. 100% guilty pleasure here...

MONGOL800 - Chiisana Koi No Uta

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