Saturday, September 1, 2012

Past Rambling: October 2006

An attempt to regain my charming personality
Originally posted on MySpace (yeah, you heard me)

Man, I've been in a bad mood lately.  There's nothing really wrong.  I got some new neighbors who are pissing me off, but I guess it kind of distracts from me being the black sheep of the neighborhood.  Work gets on my nerves sometimes, but not as bad as other times.  I dunno, I can't figure it out.  I haven't even had anything clever to say on MySpace lately (clever to me-- I don't care about you other people and what you think is clever).

Maybe it is this Spanish class I signed up for.  I forgot how much I don't like keeping up with homework.  It's not like I get a grade on the class, but why can't they make it where I pay $75 & they can just implant the knowledge in my head without me actually having to log in and study this stuff?  Besides, I'm just trying to learn Spanish, this guy is teaching me how to negotiate with a mechanic in Spanish.  Not exactly my top priority in a 6-week course.  So now I'm 3 lessons behind.  Oh joy.

Google's new changes are pissing me off.  I don't like when people get greedy & I think they are getting greedy.  Why do I have to be a google member to be able to open a search link in another window?  That just pisses me off & makes me search using something else.  My 50 searches a day weren't enough for you?  Now I have to search, click, go back, click, go back, click, go back.  Fuck you, go back, fuck you again, go back, you bastards.

See? That's what I'm talking about.  Who gets mad at a search engine?  Me.

Another thing, could they please hurry up and fix 31st Street?  I'm so tired of the orange barrels & cones.  Why did they wait for school to start & traffic to increase 500% to tear that street up?  I don't get it.  And, to the guy that pulls out in front of me at the red light EVERY DAY, I will hit you with my car next time.  I don't care anymore.  You are just really pissing me off.  EVERY SINGLE DAY.  Do you wait for me or something?

Well, I will let you go for now.  I have to hunt down and kill the 900 politicians and political groups who have called and left me a message begging me to vote for/with them in the upcoming election.  While I'm at it, if you are the Jehovah's Witness that stuck the shit in my door today... you're wrong, you're stupid, fuck yourself, go back, fuck yourself again, get the fuck out my yard, you freaky bastards.

Have a nice day!

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