Sunday, July 21, 2013

Rambling Around Town: Unknown Stuntman / Replay Lounge Recently Unearthed: K.T.P.

A long, long time ago
I can still remember how that music used to make me smile...

Lucky for me, I haven't experienced many tragedies in my music love...none to equal Don McLean's American Pie, I suppose. Sure, I've lived through many losses of superstars: Kurt Cobain, Randy Rhoades, Michael Jackson, to name a few. Sure, I'm not a huge Michael Jackson fan, but I dare anyone in my generation (or the generation on either side of my generation) to argue that he didn't strongly influence all music in all genres in one way or another...

Today, children, our story begins about 20 years ago. I was but a pup, barely leaving the nest for the first time. (I know puppies don't live in nests, dummy. Pay attention!) I wasn't even 21, so a lot of bars wouldn't allow me in to live shows. I wasn't daring enough to try fake IDs although I do recall offering a rather personal favor to one guy at the Hurricane in Kansas City once to let me in to see Steve Vai. I'm now happy that he did not accept my offer. Geeesh!

Anyway, Warrensburg, where I found myself living at that time (early 90s) is a college town. They have bars that allow under 21 for certain circumstances.

As you might have already known, I was already a music lover by this point and sure, I'd already seen live music at big arena concerts, but here, for one of the first times I started experiencing live music in the grass roots stages. These were local bands who'd formed in garages, basements, classrooms, etc. and Warrensburg was a hot hub for these bands. I can't even start to name some of the really great local bands (unfortunately, there were a lot of not-so-great bands either).

Rising to the top were Flake, Winter Harvest, Frog Pond, Speak Easy...gosh so, many. I have to say I loved Flake, but my favorite was Keely Zoo. Luckily, often Keely Zoo and Flake would have shows together. My group of friends seemed to be split over which of the two bands was best. I still listen to the EPs I had converted from cassette to mp3 and still wish I had more of their music.

Besides pointing out that I am terribly old -- even for a supposedly-BABY dinosaur -- this long story has a point.

Keely Zoo broke up... went their separate ways. Lead singer, Nick, later ended up in Lawrence, Kansas and eventually in a band called Unknown Stuntman... a couple of years ago I realized he was in this band. Trouble is, I found out a bit too late and they had disbanded. Well, I was able to harvest some of their music online, but one day their Facebook page announced they were considering a reunion show.

Sure enough, it was Saturday (July 20) in Lawrence. Well, I had to go.

I haven't been to Lawrence for ages. I could never get into the bars and stuff when I was young and running the college scene... they were 21 and older there. So, off I went for Lawrence this weekend to relive my youth along with a whole lotta other folks who are still in denial that they are old and we had a great time... and I'm pretty sure no one broke a hip or anything.

The trio of bands started with a young, punk band: K.T.P. who I really enjoyed. They have a perfect mix of raw sound that isn't like kids throwing instruments down the stairs, but is still really, really loud and grungy and just great. I loved it. They gave out CDs after the show, of which, I am now a proud owner. Check them out. They drew a good crowd, so don't be surprised to hear more about them.

Next was Circle of Trust. I'm pretty sure I've heard these guys before. I'm not really into their type of growl vocals; however, they play great music and as much as this isn't my thing... I still enjoyed them.

Last, UNKNOWN STUNTMAN! They admitted that they didn't rehearse... that seemed a bit obvious. Nick's stamina onstage isn't what it used to be, but it was still great fun to hear them live. I listen to a lot of their music and I left VERY HAPPY. It sounds like there is a chance they might try this again. I'm hopeful.

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