Sunday, June 30, 2013

Baby D's Shuffle: Getting back to Normal

I've been away. My dad died in mid-May; it was expected, but still happened suddenly. Even when you know it is coming, you can't really say it was expected, can you? It's not like you have an appointment. I don't want to dwell on that stuff right now. It's still too hard.

Anyway, my mom has been getting the focus of my attention right now. She needs it and she deserves it. I did take one day for myself (TODAY), so I thought I'd at least do a shuffle for you. I haven't really uploaded anything new to my iPod for about a month or longer, plus I've barely listened to it. I meant to update it this weekend, but forgot it in my desk at work, so...

I'll do a shuffle of the stuff I have on hand. We'll see if anything good pops up.

1. Yellowbirds - Beneath the Reach of Light
I could tolerate this, but will choose not to do so in the future. The video was the only thing that kept me listening. It's too noisy and I don't care for his voice at all. You could get this sound anywhere. It's nothing special.

2. The Cribs - Another Number
The link above is an unofficial video, but it's cute. The song isn't really that bad except for the never-ending screeching guitar. It's unpleasant.

3. Robert Plant & Alison Krauss - Your Long Journey
This isn't the best song in the world, but it has novelty value. I like strong harmonizing and you get that with Alison Krauss. Robert Plant's smooth vocals do a lot to take the edge off of her squeakiness.

4. Sam & Ruby - Heaven's my Home
Kind of a slow song...too slow. It's tolerable, but unnecessary.

5. Wild Beasts - Reach a Bit Further
I'm not going to listen to this. I don't like it. I don't want me ears to go on strike. It's got a retro vibe to doesn't work for me. Sorta Depeche Mode or something. Bleh.

6. Howlin' Rain - Dark Side
Noisy beginning. Noisy middle. I'm not sure about the end. This was a Daytrotter Session. I think they might have started playing their instruments and had someone push them down a flight of stairs. I'm not sure they are even playing the same song. Oh wait, I had two of their songs playing at the same time! Oops. Well, I still don't really love it that much, but dang it's an improvement once I shut off one of them!

7. Christopher Owens - Here We Go
I can't deal with faux whispering songs. This is cheesy, predictable, lame, all those things you don't want to be. Just look at him... you can tell he's trying so hard to be awesome. If you like him, you can download some free stuff. I'm not going to.

8. The Weepies - Wish I Could Forget
I've had this song for a long time. It's not my favorite, but it soars above the first 7 songs of the day.

9. OK GO - Skyscrapers
We all know I love OK Go even if I don't love, love every song. I still love them. As usual, we must pause for a moment to watch the video because their videos are 100% awesome.

10. The Ting Tings - Impacilla Carpisung
I don't listen to The Ting Tings a lot, unless you count listening to That's Not my Name like every single day as a lot. What I mean to say is, I don't know a lot about The Ting Tings, I seem to enjoy some of their songs and own more than a handful. Their sound doesn't always work for me, but is still quite, quite tolerable.

11. The Men - Candy
I've never, ever heard this band or this song before as far as I know. It's not horrible, actually. The quality of the video linked above is HORRIBLE. I kind of like this. They are on my list to check them out some more.

While I'm here, I want to mention the exciting news that UNKNOWN STUNTMAN has finally scheduled their reunion show in Lawrence, KS for July 20. I hope to be there!

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